This is

Idea origin
Traditional stents remain in the body, thereby potentially causing new problems. These are secondary to physiological responses to the foreign body where one result is the formation of scar tissue with different consequences.
Since stents usually are needed only for a limited time Professor Erney Mattson together with Professor Torbjörn Lundh considered long on how to create a stent that can be removed. A brilliant idea was born one day when a standard sock unravelled. Many years of intensive, creative and brave development has followed this eureka moment.

Idea progression
The product idea has evolved over the last 12 years from blood-vessels to other areas.
The main reason for redirecting attention from blood-vessels is mainly due to the high cost and extended need for documentation in obtaining medical approval for stents in blood-vessels.
The versality of the device enables many usage areas for both people and animals not only reducing costs but above all improving the quality of life for those treated.
With this potential for multiple applications the focus going forward is to the segment with the most immediate and significant impact.
Multiple usage areas

- Tracheal collapse
- Other

- Drain blood
- Retractor
- Temporary stent for aneurysm

Prostatic Gland
- Individualized stent for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

- Retractor

- Stent

Gastro Intestinal Tract
- Stent to facilitate minimal invasive surgery

Female Reproductive System
- Stent for stinoses in Fallopian tubes
Enable Revolutionary Individualized Medical Technology for all
In a world of an ageing population, putting extensive strains on medical treatment and care, the unique medical device from GraftCraft transforms big and costly interventions into smaller and cheaper procedures, enabeling better quality of life for more people and animals.
Winner of HICOOL Entrepreneurship Competition in the Medicine & Healthcare Category 2023
HICOOL is a Global Entrepreneur Summit and Entrepreneurship Competition for Entrepreneurs. It aims to build a multi-level, multi-dimensional and diversified international entrepreneurial model, seeking for high-quality startups worldwide, facilitating entrepreneurs to grow and expand their business.

European Clinical Respitory Journal. - A new removable airway stent.
“Malignant airway obstruction is a feared complication. Minimal invasive treatment using airway stents represents a meaningful and life-saving palliation.”
Read the full article (opens in a new window)
Core Team

Erney Mattsson
Founder and inventor of GraftCraft. Professor in Vascular Surgery

Märta von Mentzer
CEO with go to market expertise. Marketer and Project Manager formerly within Fast Moving Consumer Goods

Pär Rylöv
Investment and start-up expert. Business Analyst and Growth Capital at Connect Väst
Med-Tech Team

Tommy Martinssson
Expert on circular knitting machines. Formerly Knitting Technician The Swedish School of Textiles, University of Borås

Kaj Andersson
Idea & prototype development. Involvement including post-treatment of the stent and equipment application. Former Mechanical Engineer at Saab Automobile

Aslak Håland
Doctor specializing in Cardiothoracic Surgery at St.Olavs Hospital in Trondheim. Experience in research on vascular surgery and veterinary testing

Lars Mattsson
Idea & prototype development. Involvement including post-treatment of the stent and equipment application. Former prototype mechanic at Saab Automobile

Anders Karlsson
Idea & prototype development. Involvement including post-treatment of the stent and equipment application. Former Technical engineer at Saab Automobile
Advisory & Approval Team

Peter Ahlström
Business Partner and advisor in establishing new customer relationships. CEO at Swedmec

Torbjörn Lundh
Inventor and co-founder of GraftCraft. Professor of biomathematics at Chalmers

Samuel Wikström
Approval and process advisor within medtech. Deputy CEO, Office Manager Veprox

Urban Lind
European Patent Attorney involved in Intellectual Property strategy

Juliette Yu
Chinese Market advisor. Procurement Manager at Scandinavian Perspectives AB

Jan Karlsson
Co-founder and former CEO. Technical engineering consultant at Seldén

Ulf Eliasson
Part in GraftCraft business development/strategy. Experienced international business developer mainly within medical devices

Anders Kihlberg
Investor in GraftCraft. Founder of OpenMind NextGen. Has played key roles in the development of several companies